• This work contains the following subjects

    • emotions, concepts and ideas
    emotions and human qualities hope
    universal concepts mystery

    • interiors
    public and municipal court
    • nature
    animals: mammals lion
    times of the day sunrise

    • objects
    clothing and personal effects drapery
    furnishings curtain
    medical crutch
    reading, writing, printed matter book - non-specific
    religious and ceremonial crown
    weapons sword

    • people
    adults man
    man, old
    children baby
    diseases and conditions disability

    • symbols & personifications
    birth to death death - angel

    • work and occupations
    military knight
    royalty and social rank king

  • Watts de George Frederic, OM (le 23 février 1817 au 1er juillet 1904 ; les « watts de George Frederick » parfois écrits) étaient un peintre et un sculpteur victoriens anglais populaires liés au mouvement de Symbolist. Les watts sont devenus célèbres dans sa vie pour ses travaux allégoriques, tels que l'espoir (voir l'image) et l'amour et la vie. Ces peintures ont été prévues pour faire partie d'un cycle symbolique épique appelé la « Chambre de la vie », dans laquelle les émotions et les aspirations de la vie seraient tout représentées dans une langue symbolique universelle.

    George Frederic Watts, OM (23 February 1817 - 1 July 1904; sometimes spelt 'George Frederick Watts') was a popular English Victorian painter and sculptor associated with the Symbolist movement.
    Watts became famous in his lifetime for his allegorical works, such as Hope (see image) and Love and Life. These paintings were intended to form part of an epic symbolic cycle called the 'House of Life', in which the emotions and aspirations of life would all be represented in a universal symbolic language.

  • This picture I took at a Bed and Breakfast run by a nice Elderly Lady in Sao Goncalo...

    Not bad, waking up in the morning and open your bedroom window and enjoy a nice relaxed view.

  • Out boating for the day, on the canals of Amsterdam with Gaivota.

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