• Urban Amsterdam

    Random words and Phrases.

    stayed picked gluing missy friends flowers spring roots father family pets animals smoking bad no more cat overweight music food art travel war drugs artists sister Portugal Porto Capital North Paris Nostalgia boat bad weather rain storm unusual time of year first day summer European Championship under 21 Holland plays Serbia saturday sunday North America Cup America plays Mexico relaxed tonight listening Opera maybe drink Club dance family visiting turkey for dinner was tasty Film pop corn easy to make smoking joint first this week Jaroslaw Kaczynski and Lech Kaczyński homophobic twins Shrub ass kissers Europe is in tatters should we the people of the EU wake up or get back to our imaginary comfortable lives.
    Sarkosy Merkel Albania US new friends Tony to solve the problems in the middle east "joke of the day".

    WHY? WHY? WHY?


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